Yum... |
Well, good "Groundhog's Day" Friday Morning, all bodies.What will the big rat have to say about the weather?
Yesterday, I had to have a CT-Scan just to make certain all my innards are behaving themselves. Naturally, in order to see what the scanner needs to see, one has to gulp down two bottles of "barium" with inactive ingredients like sodium benzoate, sodium citrate, potassium sorbate, simethicone emulsion, and benzoic acid all wrapped up in a tasty berry flavored smoothie!
I've had worse smoothies than this, that's for sure. The deal is that you have to drink a quarter of the bottle of goop every 15 minutes, which leaves a lotta time to be bored. There wasn't many patients hanging around and wrestling with the goop.
One man spent about 15 minutes talking about the dangerous things he did on motorcycles as a 26 year old. In the blink of the eye, he motored in and motored out of the office. Can't say I blame him.
There was one woman who acknowledge me by nodding and saying hello... And, that's all she cared to say, so I decided to sketch her. Problem was, I forgot my sketchbook and some decent pens to draw with.
Desperate to entertain myself between quarterly goop gulps, I borrowed a black Pentel from the nurse at the front desk window and grabbed the blank back pages of a recent patient portal summary and went to town."Marlayna", the woman I sketched split after about ten minutes or so, so I turned my attention to a heartfelt, but tacky plastic centerpiece with a metallic fuzzy Valentine centerpiece.
Well, that still gave me another barium bottle to drink and another sixty minutes to blow. I figured in order to be "at one" with nasty stuff, I'd try to see it in another light. Our symbiosis really didn't change anything or make our relationship any more palatable, but the diversion became that spoonful of sugar that helped the medicine goop go down.
The results of my scan will debut sometime next week.
Copyright 2024/Ben Bensen III