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Friday, September 13, 2024

"Not A Patch On His Ass!"

To The Bone...

 Good "Bad To The Bone" Saturday Morning, all bodies.

The other day while watching some baseball game, one of the announcers, it could have been John Smoltz, reference a player as being "bad to the bone!" The statement sent in motion the memories of driving to Pomona and back every day for work.

One of those days, KMET's DJ Jim Ladd, replayed an interview he recorded with George Thorogood. At that time I was just getting into his high energy, raucous blues style of performing. He also liked baseball and had a team named after his band, The Delaware Destroyers. I thought that was pretty cool.

I liked him enough to consider including his first two albums in my collection. But, there were so many other albums that I wanted to buy in the waning years of the Seventies, that I just wasn't sure, Until...

Until, in that interview, Jim Ladd compared his blues style of playing guitar to Eric Clapton's.

"You really think so", George asked.

Jim went into his direct, but rather long winded opinion about the comparison of the two.

"Nah, nah, George said. I can't play the blues like him. I'm not even a patch on his ass, but..."

I perked up and turned the volume a bit louder. I can get behind people that respect that space and who can humble themselves accordingly. It's quite refreshing to see and hear, but...

"But Eric can't hit to the opposite field with men in scoring position," Thorogood laughed and I almost choked on my coffee with laughter.

That sold me!

Copyright 2024/ Ben Bensen III

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

I Don't Iron My Clothes Much Nowadays!


Good "they call it Stormy Monday, but"... it's a wet Wednesday Morning, y'all...

Today, take a moment or two to reflect on what happened 23 years ago at the World Trade Center in New York.
I really haven't been sketching much lately. I decided to attend and use a pencil and a sketchpad at the Giddy Up Sketching group from LAG last Monday. One of the artists brought this iron iron from Italy from days gone by. The handle is the only thing not made of iron and is quite "handy" to open the top of the tool to fill the cavity with hot coals.
Having a wrinkle free shirt or blouse mustah carried a lot of weight in those days... and, in more ways than one!
First Giddy Up cup!

Copyright 2024/ Ben Bensen III

"The Kamo Kid!"

Good "sketchie thoughts" Monday Morning, all bodies.

Today is another Lacombe Art Guild/Giddy Up get together to sketch whatever comes to mind. A few weeks ago, I sketched this boy with his father on site at the coffeehouse. I can't really call it a portrait because it was more about the concept than it was about the kid.

Maybe, I'll do the same tomorrow, that is, just sketch other LAG artists sketching other stuff.

By the way, I entitled this sketch, "The Kamo Kid".

Another cup, please!