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Tuesday, June 21, 2022

"A Kitchen Knife?"


Good "I'll fix it" Monday Morning, everyone!
Well, you see, what had happened was the carafe to our Braun Coffee Maker of about fifteen years couldn't be put back together again. Kinda like Humpty Dumpty!
Why was it disassembled in the first place, you might ask?
The carafe seemed to be taking on water and not just the water that turns into coffee when brewed. Every month or more, the carafe kept getting heavier and heavier and soon could easily used in my kettle bell exercises.
So, I decided to slowly investigate the problem with every handyman's favorite tool, a kitchen knife! A kitchen knife is perfect because I didn't want to go to the garage to find an appropriate tool for just such an event like this.
Besides, a kitchen knife is so non-committal, ya know. Hunting for the right tool to use is not only time wasted, but finding one means I really am serious about fixing the problem. Easy solutions are just perfect for kichen utensils... Right?
Well, Therese went on Amazon and purchased a new coffeemaker, but she hates it. Amazon Man will return it... happily!
No matter which utensil I used, I never did find a way to drain the water locked up in the bottom of the pot. I must admit, though, the sketch came out pretty nicely, so it wasn't a total loss.

First cup... any way I can get it!

Copyright 2022/Ben Bensen III

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